NBI Clearance for Foreigners Online Registration 2024

The Process to Obtain and Renew NBI Clearance for Foreigners Online includes the following steps: 1. Visit Official Website, 2. Fill Out the Application, 3. Prepare Required IDs, 4. Go to the NBI Clearance Office on the Appointment Date and 5. Claim Your Certificate.

Why do foreigners need NBI clearance in the Philippines?

Getting yourself clean from any crime is a crucial process to living a meaningful life. People get themselves cleared with the NBI Clearance Form, which is used for many purposes. If you are living in the Philippines as a foreigner, you must know how to get clearance certificate;.

Getting NBI Clearance as a Foreigner requires following a step-by-step online registration process. To make it easier for you, we’ve broken down the process into three parts:

NBI Clearance for Foreigners Requirements

Below are the necessary documents and details for online registration as a foreign applicant:

Foreign Application FormComplete and submit the official application form.
Application FeePay PHP 150 for resident foreign students or $30 for non-resident students.
Transcript of Records and Exam CertificatesSubmit two copies from your schools and colleges.
Course Syllabus, Exam Handbook, or School CatalogProvide documents from the institution where you studied.
Two Bank Copies of Application CountrySubmit two copies from your home country’s bank.
Proof of Financial SupportProvide evidence of financial support, especially for students.
TOEFL ResultsSubmit your TOEFL results.
Authenticated Passport or Birth CertificateProvide a copy of your authenticated passport or birth certificate.
Original NOA with University’s Official SealSubmit the original Notice of Acceptance with the official seal from the university.
Authentic Scholastic RecordProvide your authentic scholastic records.
Police Clearance CertificateSubmit a valid police clearance certificate.
Quarantine Medical Clearance CertificateProvide a quarantine medical clearance certificate.
Copy of Personal History Statement (PHS)Submit a PHS with your signature and recent photo.
PassportProvide your valid passport.

To get an NBI clearance as a foreigner, you need to gather these essential documents. Once you have them, you can begin the online registration process.

Steps to Get NBI Clearance for Foreigners – Online Registration

Foreigners in the Philippines can obtain an NBI clearance, a crucial document to verify that they haven’t committed any crime while in the country. Here’s the step-by-step process for NBI clearance online registration for foreigners:

1. Visit Official Website

Visit Official Website
(nbi clearance for foreigners)

To apply for NBI clearance for foreigners’ online registration is the same as for Filipino citizens. The first step is to go to the Official Website by typing in the address, “https://clearance.nbi.gov.ph.” 

Make sure to use a laptop or computer for the online registration, as it is easy to navigate there. Besides, if you already have an account, you just need to log in to fill out the form. Log in or register to your account for the NBI clearance for Online Application abroad.

2. Fill Up the Application

Fill Up the Application
(nbi clearance for foreigners)

Complete the Application

Enter your name, address, and other personal information. Once done, click on the “Save Information” option.

Apply for Clearance

Click on the “Apply for Clearance” button at the top right corner of the screen.

Select Appointment Date and Time

Choose a convenient date and time for your appointment, available from Monday to Friday.

Appointment Location

  • If you’re in the National Capital Region, you can only set appointments at the NBI Main Clearance Center located at U.N. Avenue, Manila.
  • If you live outside this province, select an NBI branch in your area.

Processing Time

Your NBI clearance will be ready in 10-15 days.

Make Payment

After selecting your appointment, choose a payment method on the right side of the page. Pay online using your bank details.

Multi-purpose NBI Clearance

The fee is Php 150. Keep the receipt as proof of payment.

Check Payment Status

Ensure your payment status changes from “pending” to “paid” on your account.

3. Prepare Required IDs

Complete the Application

After completing the application form with your name, address, and other personal information, click “Save Information.” Then, click the “Apply for Clearance” button at the top right corner of the screen.

Prepare Required IDs

On your appointment day, you’ll need to present essential IDs, including your passport and ACR I-Card. A pop-up will prompt you to confirm this. Click “I agree.”

Select Appointment Date and Time

After confirming by clicking “I agree,” select the date and time for your appointment, available from Monday to Friday, to visit the nearest NBI branch.

Appointment Location

Foreign applicants in the National Capital Region can only set appointments at the NBI Main Clearance Center located at U.N. Avenue, Manila. If you live outside this province, you can choose a branch in your area.

Processing Time and Payment

Your NBI clearance document will be ready in 10-15 days. After selecting your appointment date and time, proceed to pay for the document. You can choose the payment method on the right side of the page and make the payment online using your bank details.

Multi-Purpose NBI Clearance

For the new multi-purpose NBI clearance, the fee is Php 150. Keep the receipt as proof of your transaction.

Check Payment Status

Finally, check the payment status on your account to ensure it changes from pending to paid. You can also save or print the application form to bring on your appointment day.

See Also: NBI Clearance Online Application Form

4. Go To the NBI Clearance Office on the Appointment Date

Go To the NBI Clearance Office on the Appointment Date
(nbi clearance for foreigners)

When the day of the appointment comes, you should go to the selected branch to submit the required documents and get the NBI clearance for foreigners. However, one thing that you must keep in mind is that you shouldn’t wear skirts or slippers, as they are not allowed there. 

Gather Your Documents

Bring the required documents based on your reason for staying in the Philippines as a foreigner. You can skip bringing a passport-sized photo, as the office will take your picture during the process.

Fill Out the Alien Registration Form No. 5

Upon arrival, head to the registration desk and fill out Alien Registration Form No. 5.

Complete the Verification Process

After submitting the form, proceed to the next steps, including fingerprints, signatures, and taking your picture. Submit all required documents, and verify yourself through fingerprints and your signature.

Receipt and Collection Date

Once the process is complete, the staff will stamp the back of your receipt and provide the date when your NBI clearance document will be ready.

See Also: Requirements for NBI Clearance Online

5. Claim Your Document/Certificate

Claim Your Document/Certificate
(nbi clearance for foreigners)

Philippine citizens can often claim their certificates on the same day, but as a foreigner, you’ll need to wait at least six days to receive your NBI clearance. Once the waiting period is over, return to the office to claim your NBI clearance for foreigners.

Renew NBI Clearance Application Form for Foreigners

If your old NBI clearance has expired, you’ll need to renew it. Here are the steps to renew your certificate:

No Need to Visit the NBI Office

You don’t need to go to the NBI office for the renewal process.

Go to the Official Website

Visit the NBI official site and click on the renewal button.

Fill in the Necessary Details

Enter the required information and make a payment of Php 150.

Receive Your NBI Clearance

After completing the process, you can pick up your renewed NBI clearance from the office.

See Also: NBI Clearance Quick Renewal

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get NBI clearance in the Philippines while abroad?

If you are a Filipino but living abroad, you can get your NBI clearance from an authoritative agent in the Philippines. All the applications that came from the approach are verified at the Mailed Clearance Section of NBI.

Is NBI Clearance for abroad and locally the same?

Yes, there will be no distinct difference between the NBI clearance of local and abroad. You’ll get it after registering at php150. 


You can get the NBI clearance for foreigners’ online registration to verify that you have no criminal record while staying in the Philippines. To avoid any mistakes, follow the above-mentioned steps carefully and with concern. Make sure to take all the necessary documents with you while visiting the NBI office. 

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